World Run II / Reports
The map shows the position of which the pictures for the day are taken (if any).
The start and finish markers are placed at the first and last valid registered position.
This is not nessesary the actual start and finish position, if GSM or GPS signals was not available.
Goto: 2012-07-02 2012-07-04 Canada
2012-07-03:Distance today: 30.0 km (Accumulated: 35990.0 km)
Elapsed time: 02:56:54
Country: Canada
Start 10:10am., 23c, almost clear and light wind, at km-marker "36" on hwy. 105. Finish 13:26pm., 27c and same, at km-marker "66" on hwy. 105.
Running company again :-))
After meeting up with Reino yesterday at the end of the daily stage (and re-supplying on equiptment; gps-tracking should be up and functioning from tomorrow !!)it was not time to share the run. From the first step there was a definate change - the long long time of running alone broken by the knowledge that there is company on the road the next 3 weeks towards the finish up at New Foundland.
Those who has followed world run 2 since its start will recognize this modest and silent runner:
Reino has already run with me above the Arctic Circle in Finland near the beginning of the run, 1500km in Mid.- and Southern Mozambique in Africa, 1000km through Northern Equador and into Colombia, and now on the last part of the canadian route.
In civil life Reino owns a large company with many papermills in Finland and abroad, but still he finds time and overview to at the same time exercise sports the Finland way'; 4 times crossing Finland North to South by ski, one time by means of a self-contstructed ski-skatebord/? and one time by running. Each time he has visited here in world run two it has been a pleasure with his good understanding of the run and its requirements, his wise pacing of himself and not least courage (to run through Colombia takes a bit of that ;-) but most of all his silent positive take on all occurences, large and small, during the days on the roads. And I am sure that is one of the reasons why he gets by very well no matter how different a culture he is joining the run in :-)
NB: A BIG THANKS FOR ALL THE MANY BIRTHDAY WISHES FROM AROUND THE WORLD YESTERDAY !!! I certaily made the deep tiredness now much more of a 'small issue'. And many good memories related to each person too !