World Run II / Introduction
The Runners
The Route
Live Coverage

The World Run 2 was completed by Jesper Kenn Olsen from Denmark on 28. July 2012, after 37 000km and 4 years and 1 month of running. Thus becoming the first person to complete two run's around the World. The route in the World Run 2 was a North-South-North route and went staight through Scandinavia, Europe, the Middle East, Africa, South America and North America. [The green line on the map above show an overview of the WR2 route]. Starting point: North Cape in Norway. Finish point: New Foundland, Canada. In total 29 countries.
He also holds the record as the first person to complete a fully documented run around the World: The World Run 1, which was completed on 23. October 2005, after 26 000km and 1 year and 10 months of running. The route in the first world run was an East-West route and went straight through Europe, Scandinavia, Asia & Siberia, Japan, Australia, North America and back to Europe. [The red line on the map above]. The start and finish point was in Greenwich, London. In total 14 countries.
The World Run 1 could not have been completed without great support from many local helpers and voulenteers around the globe, not least the strong co-runner Alexander Korotkov from Russia, who took part in each stage of the run during the first 9 800km and played a vital role in the planning.
The World Run 2 was simarly a result of amazing backup from the running communities world-wide. And the strong effort by co-runner Sarah Nadine Barnett from Australia, who participated in each stage of the run during the first 7000km -before returning to take part in and winning multiday-races.
A Huge Thank You to YOU and all others who helped!!
-On the website you can find all the details, documentation-photo's, gps-tracking, daily logbook entries, video-clips etc. from the 37 000kms of WR2. Similar material from WR1 is available at
The non-profit organization "The World Runners Association" presides over validating records and run's around the world. Details and contact-information can be found at