World Run II / Principles
The Runners
The Route
Live Coverage
>> The finish point is at St. Johns, New Foundland, Canada. Expected, end of 2010.
The planned distance for the North-South run is 40,000km. Kilometres can be added by participating in competitions on-route.
- The daily stages are planned to have an average of 55km. The shortest daily distance is approximately 20km and the longest stages will range up to 95km.
- The World Run 2 is a non-stop run. This means that the team not only aims to complete the longest fully documented distance run but also to break the record for the longest non-stop run; at present 21 000km. There can be "technical rest-days" where the Team doesn’t move location due to visa-, support-car, force-majeur, illness, political unrest situations - on occasions such as these the runners must complete a gps-documented distance of minimum 10km to keep the run "non-stop".
- The run is a Group run, which means that the group aims to have at least two runners completing the full distance of 40,000km. In case of a required rest or recovery period beyond 10 days, the injured runner can no longer participate in the World Run 2 full-distance challenge but can choose to stay in the Team and as part of the Road Support Team, ensure the success of the whole project, as well as taking part in country & continent stages.
- Documentation is done by gps, picture, video, logbook and co-runner documentation. Proper and complete documentation of the full distance of the run is essential to this project. We have therefore chosen, as in World Run 1, to carry live transmitting gps-equipment. This enables not only gps-verification but also helps spectators to locate the group and verify that indeed every step of the entire distance is done by running. The run is transmitted live to the website by gps and gps-coded video, sound and pictures.
We note that the Guinness Book of World Records approach lacks sufficiently high demands to documentation requirements in this area. An independent group of ultra-runners are working on setting up a proper set of requirements at present.
- The runners in World Run 2 can take part in regular competitions during the run. Both to further document our claims and abilities as ultra-runners - and because we love competing and meeting other runners through the fellowship of long distance racing ! At present we plan to participate in the Comrades Ultramarathon in South Africa, June 2009, which is the world’s largest ultramarathon competition with more than 10,000 participants for the 89km distance. Race organisers are welcome to contact the group for participation in local races !
- The North-South Run encourages stage, country and continent runners to participate. Stage runners can join at any time and place they wish - by looking up our location on the live updated map of the run. Country and continent runners are urged to contact the coordinators at least ½ a year prior to their participation. Continent running will require a modest fee which allows the runner to use the logistics of the North-South run and to become a part of the Team.
- World Run 2 depends on local support. If we are to have any chance at attempting the record of 4 continents and 40,000km non-stop, we have to depend heavily on the kind help and support from local people in all the areas we pass through. It is one of the main values of the World Run Project to respect and cooperate with local runners throughout the entire route.