World Run II / Reports
The map shows the position of which the pictures for the day are taken (if any).
The start and finish markers are placed at the first and last valid registered position.
This is not nessesary the actual start and finish position, if GSM or GPS signals was not available.
Goto: 2012-03-16 2012-03-18 Usa
2012-03-17:Distance today: 22.0 km (Accumulated: 33871.0 km)
Elapsed time: 02:03:16
Country: Usa
Start 10:20am., 20c, allmost clear & light wind, at cross of Westwood Ave. & Hwy.1 in Richmond. Finish 12:49, 24c & same, at green roadsign "Washington 90" on Hwy.1.
Running company :-))
After running alone the last about 1000km or 800miles then there suddenly was other runners on the road again ! What a Joy !! I think that no matter what your work or hobby is - its anways great to share it with someone and to know that you are not "the only crazy runner out there" ;-) ...
And a 'crazy ultraruner' it certainly was that unexpectedly showed up on my route during the run ! Im sure that David "Sniper" Snipes doesnt mind the term crazy ultrarunner since it hints at his over 230 completed ultra competetions over the years. Once the talking started while we were running along the highway - I quickly found out that the "big ultraraces" wich other runners talk and dream about: Western States, Leadville, Badwater etc. etc. - was events he had done about as often as other of us does a regular marathon ! :-) Its always cool to meet other runners, no matter what level of running because we all share the challenges and those challenges for sure isnt smaller when you first start out in the sport ! But I have to say that its a special delight when you can share old running stories, relate to the hardship and top-moments; the coming-and-going of trends' in ultrarunning, races and the big running profiles in our sport.
And even though it was a short stage, only 22km as I was very tired when I started out this morning (it happens sometimes with 33 000km/21 000miles of world run 2 in the legs ;-) then almost every minute was a highlight of sharing the sport wich I treasure to a point where I still enjoy my ultrarunning daily even this 2. time around our planet. It also goes to prove that Usa indeed is an experience of contrasts - two days ago less than brilliant experienses, today and yesterday was at the other end of the scale. Tomorrow; who knows !
Running across this continent the days rarely are boring, even if the nature is perhaps less spectacular than the Andes' or jungle in South America or when compared to running across the savannah through Africa or the big Sahara Desert in North Africa - but the people and culture here in North America makes sure that its usually extremes; and more often than not it's extremes at the positive end of the scale :-)