World Run II / Reports
The map shows the position of which the pictures for the day are taken (if any).
The start and finish markers are placed at the first and last valid registered position.
This is not nessesary the actual start and finish position, if GSM or GPS signals was not available.
Goto: 2011-03-27 2011-03-29 Argentina
2011-03-28:Distance today: 0.0 km (Accumulated: 24400.0 km)
Elapsed time: 00:00:00
Country: Argentina
(10km 55:53)
Start 13:11pm, 18c, l. wind, almost clear. Casa Grande Hotel in Paraditas village.
Finish 14:07pm, 20c and same. At Casa Grande Hotel in Paraditas village.
- The view from a towtruck..
Isnt nearly as exiting as the one from the runningshoes when circumnavigating the world step by step. But the supportcar has broken down again and there was no other option than to get the car towed (Expensive!) to the nearestcity w. a proper mechanics garage, after a short 10km run to atleast move the legs a little bit.
Driving off w. the car secured on the flatbed of the towtruck it fealt as if my heart was also on tow; beeing dragget over the tarmac behind me. Unceartain wether it would take a day, a week or finish off the budget for the run. Deep silence as we were driven the 40km ahead.
But if one had surplus to see beyond the sadness or despair of the situation, thenit offered a qurios insight in how the driving in argentina looks from the drivers point of view (as mentioned before: a way of driving that makes East African driving seem controlled & safe -which it aint, its just has some reguard for trafficrules, a thing argentinian driving has none of, making it an disturbing display of common carelessness ;-)
This amazing chance offered the following 'highlights':
- Overtaking (in the towtruck!) a car as it pulls up to stop for red lights. The truck barely able to squeeze past.
- Doing the 'classic' here: overtaking via opposite lane against fast oncoming traffic.