World Run II / Reports
The map shows the position of which the pictures for the day are taken (if any).
The start and finish markers are placed at the first and last valid registered position.
This is not nessesary the actual start and finish position, if GSM or GPS signals was not available.
Goto: 2011-03-26 2011-03-28 Argentina
2011-03-27:Distance today: 32.0 km (Accumulated: 24400.0 km)
Elapsed time: 02:42:58
Country: Argentina
Start 10:54am, 11c, l. wind, almost clear. At black&white km-marker "km 747" on hwy. 143 to Mendoza. Finish 14:54pm, 21c and same. At cross of El Molino & Ruta National 40 in Paraditas village, on hwy. hwy 40 to Mendoza.
Oh No.
The stage brought me yet a bit closer to theAndes Mountains and nearly km by km the view got more and more amazing ! (There should be some nice photos in the section for todays run :-)
The run itself also went well and the injuries due to worn out shoes/the missing packet (which btw. isnt ecco's fault ! They & the danish embassy are trying all options !!) -are now definately on the way to recovery as I try to change/juggle 3pairs of at each stage, run short stages and get rest & good food.
Similar w. the pace - almost too good since the muscles now have pleanty of extra power due to the short stages; and I struggled to keep the pace at a low level - the time at 30km was about 20-30min. faster than usual (!). To balance the 'too fast' pace I decided to spend a lot of extra time at the usual food-streatch&water stops each 5km.
But thats where the wellness' of this day ends:
At 01:55am. we were woken up and told to remove our tents from the not signposted place off the road where we had set our tents for the night. So, packing the camp in the darkness and re-settling at the soft shoulder of the highway..
And as bad as the day began, so it ended. The car got troubles 4k from finish and is now broken down. Diffuculties ? Pleanty. Hope: Yes.