World Run II / Reports
The map shows the position of which the pictures for the day are taken (if any).
The start and finish markers are placed at the first and last valid registered position.
This is not nessesary the actual start and finish position, if GSM or GPS signals was not available.
Goto: 2011-03-24 2011-03-26 Argentina
2011-03-25:Distance today: 20.0 km (Accumulated: 24338.0 km)
Elapsed time: 01:53:18
Country: Argentina
Start 11:47am, 24c, l. wind, allmost clear. At black&white km-marker "km 697" on hwy. 143 to Mendoza. Finish 13:53pm, 26c, l. and same. At black&white km-marker "km 717" on hwy. 143 to Mendoza.
Ego vs Legs ;-)
As written in yesterdays report the concequenses of not having good enough runningshoes is fatal when running ultrarunning, and ceartainly when doing runs on the 'long side' of 20 000km once more.
- Not that the ecco shoes from my mainsponsor (shoes & financial coverage) isnt Excellent; they are :-) But when not having them, due to 'disappearing' of the latest shipment in Argentinian customs, then the difference is hard fealt.
Last night when getting up at 2am. to eat my usual nightmeal (efficient for recovery to top-up carbohydrates several times) ..I had difficulties walking properly. The result of 4 weeks in not-good-enough running shoes.
I maneaged to finda tennis/multisportshop where I bourght the adidas shoes I temporarely use; they are good shoes - but far from "good enough" !
So now the struggle untill I find a way to get my proper shoes is: The injuries require all the caution I can give them; rest, the right nutrition, streatching, etc. And most of all, SHORT stages. As short as possible !
However, the pride when doing 20km like today, hurts far more than the injuries ;-))
But in reality there is no choice. To always listen to and respect the body, or not to run at all. Wether a recreational runner, an ultrarunner or a worldrunner..