World Run II / Reports
The map shows the position of which the pictures for the day are taken (if any).
The start and finish markers are placed at the first and last valid registered position.
This is not nessesary the actual start and finish position, if GSM or GPS signals was not available.
Goto: 2011-03-10 2011-03-12 Argentina
2011-03-11:Distance today: 37.0 km (Accumulated: 23879.0 km)
Elapsed time: 03:36:30
Country: Argentina
Start 08:52am, 21c, no wind, a few clouds. At bl.&white km-marker "km 135" at hwy. 151. Finish 13:33pm, 30c, l. wind and same. At bl.&white km-marker "km 172" at hwy. 151.
Turtle report
An odd ocurrance on todays run:
Halfway into the stage a big turtle was slowly crossingthe highway! Where it came from in the arid terrain of the "Las Pampas" region which I ran into today no one knows !
Jamie choose to film it - I ran past. At the next waterstop I learned that it hadnt been helped across the road afterwards. For my part I was most of all angry w. myself that I hadnt stopped and made sure it got safely across the tarmac. So: the gps was put at "pause", a marker put at the road and I got in the supportcar to drive back to lift it out of harms way (Else I NEVER get in the car from start to finish for whatever reason). But this animal was helpless w. the heavy trucks coming every few minutes !!
- He was gone. Eighter driven over or 'sprinted' across the road. An intense argument followed before I resumed the run where I hadleft it: Shall we leave nature to itself or try to prevent diseaster, small or big, if we can ? A Dilemma. But sometimes one feels inside beyond Any doubt what is right to do.. Later comes the doubts, reasons; excuses for our comfort !
Just noticed that the 50 000km running barrier has been broken. Wr 1: 26 232km, wr 2: 23 879 = 50 111km :-)
But what does it all matter if I cant help 1 turtle across the road? Be KIND at each chance you get !