World Run II / Reports
The map shows the position of which the pictures for the day are taken (if any).
The start and finish markers are placed at the first and last valid registered position.
This is not nessesary the actual start and finish position, if GSM or GPS signals was not available.
Goto: 2011-03-11 2011-03-13 Argentina
2011-03-12:Distance today: 40.0 km (Accumulated: 23919.0 km)
Elapsed time: 03:33:06
Country: Argentina
Start 10:58am, 16c, m. wind, overcast. At bl.&white km-marker "km 172" at hwy. 151. Finish 15:38pm, 23c, m. wind and some clouds. At bl.&white km-marker "km 212" at hwy. 151.
Spiders & technicalities..
If I was eager to help the turtle across the tarmac yesterday (but too late !!) then todays run posed more of a dilemma:
After around 15km of running there was a huge spider crawling about on the road - and if I wanted to help the turtle then I should try to save the spider as well.
Not so easy as I am HUGELY afraid of spiders of Any size and ceartainly of a 'Kingpin' thisbulky.. [see pic.].
Luckily the dilemma solved itself as she walked off' the tarmac; probably embarrased by her grose features that were only too visible: finger-thick hairy legs, too many eyes to count and (the horror!) a pair of fangs big enough for "teenage piercing" ;-))
Apart from this jolly encounter, sure to wreck my sleep for the next couple of nights, then the day went by peacefully; saw a few vultures hovering over my track and found a nice campspot after the run.
Nb.: I noticed that the gps-track from 2days ago isnt proper: The endomondo system recorded the first 14km and the last 13km of the stage, but the space inbetveen it hasnt tracked ! It seems that on days w. v. high uv & heat this ocattionally happens - though I usually see it quickly and restart the sys. within a few hundred meters. Ill upload the independently gps-coded pic for that streatch asap for full documentation !