World Run II / Reports
The map shows the position of which the pictures for the day are taken (if any).
The start and finish markers are placed at the first and last valid registered position.
This is not nessesary the actual start and finish position, if GSM or GPS signals was not available.
Goto: 2011-02-05 2011-02-07 Argentina
2011-02-06:Distance today: 42.0 km (Accumulated: 22712.0 km)
Elapsed time: 03:47:12
Country: Argentina
Start 11:20am, 24c, l. wind, a few clouds. At bl.&white roadsign "km 1755" on hwy. 3 to Bournes Aires.
Finish 16:45pm, 29c and same. At bl.&white roadsign "km 1713" on hwy. 3.
Traffic surprise ! :-))
Today brougt a huge change in my experience of Argentinian traffic-culture:
The gendarms/military truck from yesterday was back, this time doing traffic-control - the first time Ive seen that in Argentina (!) . And the impactwas instant and enjoyable:
Suddenly cars gave me pleanty of room, even waving, and the large fuel-trucks began to give space & a "runners chance" to get through the daily stage in one piece, and with peace in mind, w.o. having to look over my shoulder each minute :-) !
Very positive but also an usefull experience againt "set ideas" !! .. Coming from Scandinavia I am used to that military has a much limited say in society and especially in politics -and very well so, I think :-) - and thus we are often strongly biased when hearing about the role of military in other parts of the world; maybe most ofall exactly in Southamerica where it has played a direct role in almost all the contries whithin modern history.
However, despite what popular travelguides as Lonely Planet writes & what history suggests - then my experience not only today and yesterday (see report) but also on other occations is positive ! Much to my joy as one of the best rewards of travelling & world running is when you get a change & exchange of ideas.
Multo Grazias :-))