World Run II / Reports
The map shows the position of which the pictures for the day are taken (if any).
The start and finish markers are placed at the first and last valid registered position.
This is not nessesary the actual start and finish position, if GSM or GPS signals was not available.
Goto: 2009-12-16 2009-12-18 Africa
2009-12-17:Distance today: 27.0 km (Accumulated: 19073.8 km)
Elapsed time: 02:42:00
Country: Africa
Start 10:00am. at green city sign "Michafutene", ca. 18km N. of Maputo, on the EN1-hwy to Maputo. 26c, allm. clear and l. wind. Finish 13:33pm. At cross of Av. Josina Machel & Rue do Comercioca, ca. 5km W. of Maputo. 31c, and same.
[nb: stopwatch not functioning, time /- 5min.]
Christmas running calender, day 17:
One of the joys of running is that it doesnt operate along the limits of age as many other sports tend to do !In running - or atleast ultrarunning - you are still much too young when in your 30'ties. Perhaps you are peaking at marathon potential; but on 100km you are just beginning to hit the right age, for 24hours running you most likely are 10y. "too young" and on the 6days non-stop races runners peak at toplevel well into their mid. 40ties and 50ties long as you keep stepping up the distance, running will have a challenge that you have "just the right age for" :-)
... Ofcourse you could then wonder if Im not a little too young for doing wr2 at age 38 or the wr1 when I was 33, ? But then again I started running marathons when 15years old (slow though, 3:26 h. back in 1985; yet its faster than the av. pace I do on world runs. As ultrarunning isnt about speed as much as 'knowing your body' - wich probably is why you can keep improving !)
But with that timeline of running I do expect to retire in a few years ;-))