World Run II / Reports
The map shows the position of which the pictures for the day are taken (if any).
The start and finish markers are placed at the first and last valid registered position.
This is not nessesary the actual start and finish position, if GSM or GPS signals was not available.
Goto: 2009-06-08 2009-06-10 Africa
2009-06-09:Distance today: 20.0 km (Accumulated: 13987.8 km)
Elapsed time: 02:34:02
Country: Africa
Start 08:00am., at unknown bridge 195km S. of Moyale, on the main rd. to Nairobi. 23c, half o.c. and sandstorm. Finish 11:42pm., at stone-pile 215km S. of Moyale, on the main rd. to Nairobi. 39c, clear and same.
Stone-storm ?
- Since its a stone/volcanic desert Im running inat the moment a "sand storm" shouldnt be possible. Yet since early this morning it apparently is ! ;-)
After todays stage there is only 33km left up toMarsabit city high above the steamy hot plain among the volcanic cones. But its been a fight !!
The last couple of days has been w. 20-30km max. The carwaits every 2km w. water and a chance to rest. Even that often feels like an eternity out on the sharp rock path wich beats the life out of knees, ancles and muscles. Today 20k took nearly 4h.. what a sprint ;-)
Yet, at the same time Im having Fun; finding a trail among the sharp rocks, jumping left andright, enjoying amazing vistas w. daily fatamoganas' in the vast flat horizon. And together w. my supplydriver - who is thriving in the blistering sun and seems at home out here !! - solve the puzzle of where to put the tentcamp at night: moving rocks, bumping over volcanic debris to yet another remote but fantastic and absolute silent spot. Seeing the entire desert lit up by the huge full moon.
(Nb: catching up on missing reports in 1-2days. low on battery).