World Run II / Reports
The map shows the position of which the pictures for the day are taken (if any).
The start and finish markers are placed at the first and last valid registered position.
This is not nessesary the actual start and finish position, if GSM or GPS signals was not available.
Goto: 2009-05-22 2009-05-24 Africa
2009-05-23:Distance today: 50.0 km (Accumulated: 13574.8 km)
Elapsed time: 04:58:13
Country: Africa
Start 08:59am at km-marker 525 on the main rd. from Addis Abeba to Moyale. 17c, oc. and l. wind. Finish 14:02pm at tar-marker 105 400. 26c, half oc. and same.
To be or not to be, a Runner ;-)
- So I got the message that the phone has been opened again but that indeed the budget for Kenya and Tanzania has been used.
So what happens next ?
..Mentally the wr2 has allready been harder than Anything Ive experiensed in life or ultrarunning incl wr1.
Theres been fatigue by pushing 40kg of runningstroller in the Sahara region w. up to 43c, stonethrowing in ethiopia, injuries, sickness, bugs, lately the skin under the thumbnails turned black and begun to rot, the supportcar has been hit in traffic 3 times; and lastly the economy is gone.
Its a party outhere ;-)
-So why continue ?
I guess for the same reason that any long dist. runner, and ultrarunners in particular, continue:
because we Love our sport. And because we never give up :-)
This goes both for the receational runner who completes the first trainingsession, as well as beeing an ultrarunner on internat. level.
And the same mecanism that has given 3 victories in 4 6day races - that after Tiredness allways comes hope, and after hope, Strength.
I know that Im far from the only one in an economical pinch', news of the ecoon. crisis reached me while running through E. europe9000km ago. And I think the same 'mecanism' goes there :-)
...As well as for the participants in the Cph. marat. tomorrow. I wish all A GREAT RUN !!