World Run II / Reports
The map shows the position of which the pictures for the day are taken (if any).
The start and finish markers are placed at the first and last valid registered position.
This is not nessesary the actual start and finish position, if GSM or GPS signals was not available.
Goto: 2009-02-26 2009-02-28 Africa
2009-02-27:Distance today: 55.0 km (Accumulated: 10964.8 km)
Elapsed time: 05:08:06
Country: Africa
Start 08:22am at km-marker 401 to Khartoum on West bank Nile road. 19c, a few clouds and m. wind.
Finish 14:51pm at km-marker 346 to Khartoum on West bank Nile road, near Al Jabriyah village. 29c, l. sandstorm and same.
Half an hour into todays run
a low groundsweeping wind picked up and within minutes the visibility was down to 20-30metres in any direction. I was in the middle of the 2. sandstorm of world runtwo (the first I 'enjoyed' on christmas evening in the Jordanian Desert).
Oddly enough it wasnt too uncomfortable to run in ! The sun didnt burn down as usual - it remained as a brown-yellow blurr behind thick curtains of sand & desert dust. And the wind cooled the body to a nice working temperature.
The downside, having to empty the runningshoes for sand every 2 to 3km; the fine grain of lowflying sand piled up in every exposed area: shoes, sleeves, neck, ears, eyecorners, hair !
But the 'ghost town' ambience w. allmost empty villages and camels huddled down in the sand along the route made it moreexiting than annoying.
Except for my crew who sat waiting, half 'seasick' from the lack of horizon, in what looked more like a dust cave than a car ! Make no mistake; crewing' on these adventures is just as hard as the athletic part in its own right. The quiet expression of the faces should give a fair idea (see the live-gps pic. from today ;-)
Eventually the wind eased off and the day slipped into a beautifull afternoon and evening in a small village.