World Run II / Reports
The map shows the position of which the pictures for the day are taken (if any).
The start and finish markers are placed at the first and last valid registered position.
This is not nessesary the actual start and finish position, if GSM or GPS signals was not available.
Goto: 2008-12-24 2008-12-26 Middle East
2008-12-25:Distance today: 61.0 km (Accumulated: 8610.0 km)
Elapsed time: 05:48:14
Country: Middle East
Start 09:07am., at exit sign "Tassan" on the desert hwy, 85km N. of Aqaba. 3c, overcast and hwy. wind. Finish 16:06pm. At km-marker "Amman 301km" on the desert hwy., ca. 27km N. of Aqaba. 23c and sunset.
Merry Christmas !
Today its Christmas in most contries outside Scandinavia/N. europe (where C. is the 24.). On this day one might wonder why I dont run through the nearby biblical land and Bethlehem ??
- One of my aims w. this run, besides the record attempt and the love of running, is to try in a small scale to give another image than what you get on the tv news. The story of everyday life as people live it around the world; a good life w. friendship and hospitality allmost everywhere - far from the diseaster and conflictthat makes the headlines and perhaps shapes our concept of faraway cultures that we only experience through headlines.
During the world run 1 it was allmost a shock how areas that should have been a problem (according to tv ;-) was nothing but friendly and wellcoming. A positive shock to a political scientist like me - and 'a theory' I will try further by the layout of the route of wr2. Thats why I run "the peacefull Arabia" that also happens to be the shortest way..
Merry Christmas to all Arab, European, Asian, American, African, S. American and Australian friends :-)