World Run II / Reports
The map shows the position of which the pictures for the day are taken (if any).
The start and finish markers are placed at the first and last valid registered position.
This is not nessesary the actual start and finish position, if GSM or GPS signals was not available.
Goto: 2008-12-11 2008-12-13 Middle East
2008-12-12:Distance today: 95.0 km (Accumulated: 7912.0 km)
Elapsed time: 08:51:46
Country: Middle East
Start 08:05am, at Chapka Street, at "Import & Export" in Tartous, opposite Antzadous Hotel. 10c, clear and l. wind. Finish 17:29pm, at Alwaleid Hotel at Homs Stadiun, in Homs. 9c, dark and same.
A good days run :-)
.. As they in base-ball have a "home run" the world run today included a Homs-run :-)
The stage from Tartous to Homs turned out to be 95km total and thus the longest stage in both wr1 (2004-05) and wr2.
-Why ??
Because the Support, Friendliness and Hospitality here in Syria is beyond what my reports and words can express ! So I try to let my legs and heart express my joy of running in Syria, and luckily the legs was up to it; Marsah Allah :-)
The last 60km I had company by the athletic club of the big city ofHoms. The runners and their coach kept me excellent and enthusiastic company, running w. me in relay-style 2 runners each 10km. As usual very Talented runners ! For example a 19y.o. runner w. a 5km pb. of 14:30min (!!). So the pace never dropped too much.. ;-)
NB: We have the LifePilot system functioning again after I found a Syrian simcard that can transmit the data live to the website ! Please visit LifePilot 'live section' for the pic. from todays Homs-run :-)
(the "track" part /positioning isnt fully operational, but we are working on it !).
Todays run advice:
In a busy modern life its often one of the main 'excuses' for not getting the training done that there isnt enough time. Planning and finding time Is an important part of training :-)