World Run II / Reports
The map shows the position of which the pictures for the day are taken (if any).
The start and finish markers are placed at the first and last valid registered position.
This is not nessesary the actual start and finish position, if GSM or GPS signals was not available.
Goto: 2008-12-12 2008-12-14 Middle East
2008-12-13:Distance today: 52.0 km (Accumulated: 7964.0 km)
Elapsed time: 05:04:04
Country: Middle East
Start 09:24am., at Alwaleid Hotel in Homs at Homs athletic stadium. 6c, clear and l. wind. Finish 14:50pm. At km-marker 186on Arab route M45. 23c and same.
The legs fairly tired after yesterday (95km & 850m. alt. climb) but had company by two young runners who seemed extremely exited to take part in the run - and that inspires me too :-)
They were talented 400m & 1500m hurdle/steeplechase athletes and I think the 25km theyeach ran w. me was more than what is good for a young middledistance runner - especially at my slow pace.. They need Fast training :-) But they were not to get off the road and we talked an 'english-arab' language mix about all imaginable subjects untill they couldnt move another meter and went in the support bus.
What company !! Thanks Friends :-))
Todays running advice will have to be exactly that: to remember to share your training every once ina while ! We all sometimes struggle to 'get out the door' on the daily run - but when someone awaits you to share the run; running club mates, a friend,father/mother/sister or a coalueage from work - then it becomes the game, joy and social event it should be :-)