World Run II / Reports
The map shows the position of which the pictures for the day are taken (if any).
The start and finish markers are placed at the first and last valid registered position.
This is not nessesary the actual start and finish position, if GSM or GPS signals was not available.
Goto: 2008-11-29 2008-12-01 Middle East
2008-11-30:Distance today: 50.0 km (Accumulated: 7279.0 km)
Elapsed time: 05:01:42
Country: Middle East
Start 08:25am., at 715-08/022 on rd.715. 13c,allmost overcast and l. wind. Finish 16:11pm., at roadsign "Mersin 60km"on rd.400. 26c, clear and same.
Mediterranian Sea revisited..
- 35k into todays run along the Göksu river we caught glimse of the Medi. Sea running into the coastal city of Silifke. Its been a month since we last saw open water , at Istanbul. When you as a dane live your life allways in vicinity of or nearby water, ocean or lakes it becomes one of the things you miss most when its abscent. Only you first realise the urge or be/longing when you see, hear and smell the deep water again :-)
.. In the 7,5months of running across Russia and Siberia during world run one it was allmost as meeting an old relative again or regaining a lost bodypart when seeing the Ocean at Vladivostock an Octoberday in 04. Such are also the case for Sarah who back in Adelaide has ocean swimming as a daily option. Today she could enjoy a swim as the sun was sinking behind the mountains sourrounding Silifke :-)
Thank you for All the encouraging messages last few weeks !! Its a vital extra help and makes it easier to overcome the minor obstacles - and to remember that they are just that; minor. (Enjoyed a morning-puncture again today; safe to say it was a huge mistake not to settle for the best option of kevlar tires when choosing equiptment. Basic expedition knowledge to go for the durable :-)
BTW.: Tomorrow starts the "Christmas calender" of training & injury-prevention tips !