World Run II / Reports
The map shows the position of which the pictures for the day are taken (if any).
The start and finish markers are placed at the first and last valid registered position.
This is not nessesary the actual start and finish position, if GSM or GPS signals was not available.
Goto: 2008-11-20 2008-11-22 Middle East
2008-11-21:Distance today: 41.0 km (Accumulated: 6867.0 km)
Elapsed time: 04:43:11
Country: Middle East
Start 9:24am., at km-marker 715-01/032. 2c, clear and l. wind. Finish 16:05pm. At 715-02/011. 12c and same.
A raughter tough stage despite good conditions; Sarah was struggeling w. the effects of tiredness and that is never pleasant to witness. But she is a determined runner like few I know and giving in was no option !
The highlight of the day came immediately after we had taken the documentation photo (LifePilot live section) at the finish. As we were searching for a tenting spot on the brown highland grassfields here at 1000m alt. in Anatolia, we were approachedby a man in a 4wd truck.
After the exchange of "Salam Aleikum" - "Aleikum Salaam" he asked what our business were and if he could see our passports; while showing a police badge. During the search for our passports in the deapths of the strollers we had time to tell about the run. And a change of events began after he thourght through the situation - He spoke a brilliant german and explained that it would be cold to tent (wich we could believe, we had a thin ice-layer on our tents last night..). It would be more healthy to stay in a hotel ! But since the nearest was 20km back we'd raughter not run ourselves backward. "Jawohl !" But how about staying at his place then ? "Yes, tesche gulle !!"; that was certainly an option we could use.
The strollers quickly got loaded onto the pickup and we spent a lovely evening w. Hussein and his family !!!
He turned out to be a customs officer and great company :-)