World Run II / Reports
The map shows the position of which the pictures for the day are taken (if any).
The start and finish markers are placed at the first and last valid registered position.
This is not nessesary the actual start and finish position, if GSM or GPS signals was not available.
Goto: 2012-02-05 2012-02-07 Usa
2012-02-06:Distance today: 22.0 km (Accumulated: 32767.0 km)
Elapsed time: 02:10:12
Country: Usa
Start 10:10am., 17c, overcast & light wind, at cross of Mustang RD. & Hwy.1. Finish 12:38, 22c and same, at cross of Gun Club RD. & Hwy.1.
Recovery... ?
Today I had enjoyable company by Amy from Jacksonville on the last half of todays run. Also a very interesting experience to run through Jacksonville itself - Florida's largest city with nearly 1million inhabitants and a large array of lifestyles: from the impressive skyline of the downtown and business area to the windblown half-empty industry areas in South-town and the mostly coloured naighbourhood wich I ran through on the last part of the run. The city itself was settled by french colonists as far back as 1564 - making it one of the earliest settlements in the usa, and before that beeing part of the territory of the Timucua indians who occupied the Northern part of Florida.
A curious and positive thing was that in the more poor and 'fallen-apart' area that also was the coloured community of the city the attitude when I came runing through was by far the most friendly ! :-) At first both Amy and myself was a bit cautious as it definately didnt feel as if runners not from this part of town would normally run through, yet we soon found out that we were met with smile and "Hello !!"'s rauther than any risk. It reminded me a lot of running through the infamous "Ford Hights" South of Chicargo and New Jersey in world run one, where it also was supposed to be a little risky - yet was similar positive response I got to the run !
However, not all was positive...
It seems that during the last 4-5 days there hasnt been proper recovery from one day to the next. Strangely I start out about as tired on the next day as I was at the finish of the previous day. Not very good for the run and a point of concearn while I try to troubleshoot this phenomenon. Ofcouse, with 3,5 continents 'in the legs' by now there might be a very natural explanation. But I very much hope its just a passing state of the body and its recovery patterns. We'll see in a few days I think. For now I choose to take a very short day with the 22km's in order to give the body a fair chance to recover back to normal strength !
NB: Below you'll find a link to a short video-clip from running through Jacksonville. The reports from the last few days will be uploaded shortly.