World Run II / Reports
The map shows the position of which the pictures for the day are taken (if any).
The start and finish markers are placed at the first and last valid registered position.
This is not nessesary the actual start and finish position, if GSM or GPS signals was not available.

Distance today: 44.0 km (Accumulated: 31944.0 km)
Elapsed time: 04:24:16
Country: Usa
Start 12:04 at the "Southernmost Point" marker at Key West, FL, USA, 25c, almost clear & light wind. Finish 17:42pm. at "mile 27" on hwy. 1, 28c, humid, sunset & same.
Key West !
Today, finally, was the start of the last continent of world run 2, North America.
I enjoyed a peacefull run through Key West - starting down the street that for a number of years was home to Ernest Hemingway (he apparently wrote Farewell to Arms here amongst others) - and then over a number of small bridges over the lagoons, corel-reefs and bright blue lagoon :-)
One first impression is how safe the traffic is to run in !! An important thing as traffic safety often is my main 'risk' during these runs. Even bikepaths was a choice ! (I've had the option of running on bikepaths for a total of 8-10km's during the last 10 000km through South America).
The american hospitality, wich I remember from my run West-East across North America in 2005/world run one certainly also was there: For example I hadnt run many km's before an old man on a bike rolled up by my side: "Hey, what are you doing there, mate ?". After explaning that it was my 4. continent on a run around the world he nearly fell off his bicycle. Then collected himself and gave a grand "WELLCOME" to USA - he was from South Carolina himself, as far as I could understand through his thick accent :-)
One of the peculiar experienses through the day was when I was looking to find a supermarket - I often do daily errands while I'm on my way through the stage; visiting atm's, supermarkets etc. along the route to supply up'. Once I was out of Key West it became quite remote areas with palmtrees, pelicans and the camera-crew (Ecco's) as the only things sourrounding me. Suddenly a "Superstore" at the roadside. I ran up to the door - surely they'd have a bit of canned food & a few bottles of energy-drink.
They did have a little selection of energy-drinks; but not so much canned food: It turned out to be an "Adult Superstore" ! I think they were surprised that I was looking for a lot of energy - but very little 'entertainment' ;-) The road, the nature and the fresh breeze from the lagoon beeing enough entertainment for me today !