World Run II / Reports
The map shows the position of which the pictures for the day are taken (if any).
The start and finish markers are placed at the first and last valid registered position.
This is not nessesary the actual start and finish position, if GSM or GPS signals was not available.
Goto: 2011-12-17 2011-12-19 Colombia
2011-12-18:Distance today: 25.0 km (Accumulated: 31473.0 km)
Elapsed time: 02:18:13
Country: Colombia
Start 09:15am., 25c, half overcast & light wind, , at km-stone "56/4515" on hwy. 45 North. Finish 12:13pm., 33c, very humid, overcast & light wind, at km-stone "81/4515" on hwy. 45 N.
...The chafing/cutting on the inside of the legs (see reports two last days) has now been progressing for 9days and I have to admit that today it actually was enough to make me stop the run earlier than intended.
Essentially chafings are not really a problem besides the discomfort, but with a very high humidity and thus sweating almost from the moment the run starts, and with a fair (un-fair ? ;-) amount of insects wich gets much interested in the "free food" delivered along the highway, then you have a little bit of a painfull mixture.
I'll take time today to properly clean the wounds w. pure alcohol and make sure to do little more than that: sleep & eat for the rest of the day. Then, hopefully, the recovery of the by now sorely missed skin on the inside of the legs, will begin !
Christmas calendar, day 18:
Todays injury-prevention advice should be something about chafings, Obviously ;-) But this is an area wich I have not had much experiense since now and I can guarantee that I regret not having put more attention to learn what to do in this case. This, and blisters, has been something I have been fortunate to not have had problems with during around all the years of running and competing. But, the less prepared I am, when the problem the occours.
Todays advice thus will be to be creative in how you handle injuries. If its not to be found in the books, on the internet or in your- or your training colleagues experienses; then its time to get creative in finding new solutions !
Dont be held back by what has been "the way" to do things; that never brings you beyond what's already known and done - this certainly also goes reg. training (and most other things in life, I think :-)
The question ofcourse is, will I be able to do that myself ? If not I am in the absurd situation that a tiny problem like chafings' have become a serious problem for the run. There has already been a lot of "cutting and adjusting" going on w. the runnign clothes in order to try to make it a bit less problematic for the skin on the inside of the legs. But I still have a few ideas to try - we'll see... :-)