World Run II / Reports
The map shows the position of which the pictures for the day are taken (if any).
The start and finish markers are placed at the first and last valid registered position.
This is not nessesary the actual start and finish position, if GSM or GPS signals was not available.
Goto: 2011-11-20 2011-11-22 Colombia
2011-11-21:Distance today: 40.0 km (Accumulated: 30490.0 km)
Elapsed time: 03:46:45
Country: Colombia
Start 10:17am., 29c, very humid, some clouds & light wind, at km-stone "58 / 2504" on hwy. 25 to Cali. Finish 15:27pm., 36c and same, at km-stone "007 / 2504a" on hwy. 25a., bypassing Cali.
HEI kaikki Worldrun juoksun lukijat. On ollut erittain mahtava kokemus olla mukana nelja viikkoa. IHmiset ystvallisia ja mukavia, kannustusta matkan varrella kaikkialla. 800km ylos alas. Aina vuoristo tien molemmin puolin, serpenttiinia. Lahdin mukaan ilman ennakkoluuloja. Matka on tayttanyt kaikki unelmani ja jattaa lahtemattomat muistot. Jesperin taival jatkuu. Viela ensivuonna jossakin tavataan. REINO UUSITALO
- It is very unusual that I let another runner take the opening word in the daily world run reports, especially when its not in english writing. But the support & participation of Reino has been exactly that, Unusual.
One could hardly think of a better support and sponsor when doing a run like this: Of all places to come and visit, to join me in my daily running and as well bring a very welcome financial input to the run - who would pick Mozambique (first half of world run 2) & Colombia ? But these two places are exactly where support is the most needed. I'll add some more words later and upload the reports from the last few days. For now I'll let Reino's words be the main message today, even though I dont understand any finland language then this runner and sponsor has shown such Sisu, courage and understanding of the world run's that I am comfortable even with what I cant read :-)
KIITOS/Grazias Reino and good travel back to Finland tomorrow after 3 weeks of excellent running and supporting !!