World Run II / Reports
The map shows the position of which the pictures for the day are taken (if any).
The start and finish markers are placed at the first and last valid registered position.
This is not nessesary the actual start and finish position, if GSM or GPS signals was not available.
Goto: 2011-10-24 2011-10-26 Equador
2011-10-25:Distance today: 41.0 km (Accumulated: 29557.0 km)
Elapsed time: 03:50:48
Country: Equador
Start 10:15am., allmost clear & light wind, at white tarmac-marker "75.000" on hwy. E35 to Riobamba. Finish 15:11pm., 22c, grey overcast & med.wind, at red curb-marker "34.680" (approx. 35km from Riobamba) on hwy. E35 to Riobamba.
A bit better !
After the last two days of short distances and tiredness I ran a fairly ok stage, counting 41km on the gps trackingdevice (40.5km according to the roadmarkers, but a lot of zig-zagging to avoid traffic - they drive a bit 'loco' here in Equador ;-)
The nature though, was highly enjoyable and brought yet another day of change. By now nearly all the days of running through the territory of Equador has been new experienses of terrain, plants and wildlife. What a priveleague to see up close' :-)) The scenery at 3000m. alt. today was equally surprising: Almost of Scandinavian character, reminding me most of all of the long valleys and plains of Southern Norway and mainland Sweden !
If I can put in another 35-40km tomorrow I should be able to reach the city Riobamba, which is the entrypoint to the terrain sourrounding Equadors hightest mountain, Volcan Chimborazo at 6267m. alt. Obviously Im looking much forward to that too, and I feel the legs are beginning to recover properly again, after I last night was able to catch a good sleep (the toothpain after loosing the two teeth a few days ago 'ate' a bit of the relaxation as I dont believe much in painkillers - a bad thing to use in any kind of sport, in my oppinion - but at the same time I prefer to wait with the overdue dentist-visit untill usa. So, a slightly painfull compromise atleast untill the root' died out under the lost teeth).