World Run II / Reports
The map shows the position of which the pictures for the day are taken (if any).
The start and finish markers are placed at the first and last valid registered position.
This is not nessesary the actual start and finish position, if GSM or GPS signals was not available.
Goto: 2011-10-02 2011-10-04 Peru
2011-10-03:Distance today: 36.0 km (Accumulated: 28837.0 km)
Elapsed time: 03:24:13
Country: Peru
Start 10:20am., 31c, very humid, overcast & light wind, at cross of Av. Sonor & Panamerican Highway/hwy.1N. in Piura City. Finish 15:04pm., 35c, humid, almost clear & no wind, at green roadsign "Equador 66.4km" on hwy. 1N.
Modern Sisu :-)
...And then there is a piece of news:
The ceo. of one of the sponsors of world run 2 has decided to join me. By running. In Equador and Colombia !
To run in the hot and humid conditions which is beginning to provide their true test of the body (I was struggeling today and the last two days as the humidity rose to "sauna" levels); is no easy thing I guess. To run in South America also provides a test of the determination, patience and adaptation to local culture - although its also a pleasure; as well as a beautifull nature experience as you can see from todays pictures :-)
But to join for about one month of running, mainly on the remote roads of Colombia... That is another thing. And to do this when you are a ceo. (in this case a maneager of a large business group) is; well I dont really know the word for it !
Its dangerous, challenging, difficult, requires a huge amount of determination to be possible - and not to need too much of the usual comforts of the western world. Along with endurence in big amounts if the about 1000km of tropical running is to be sucessfully completed.
- The runner in question is ofcourse from Finland. And the name of the game is SISU. A term which describes the combination of physical endurence, courage and mental determination. And my friend, Reino Uusitalo, is the man with these qualities. If you think that its unrealistic that a successfull industrialist can complete such a task (and I Guarantee that running in the conditions here is very far from ''easy'' in all aspects); then please have a look at the world run 2 reports from Mozabique, Africa. Here you will see pictures of Reino running approx. 1500km with me in similar difficult conditions. And before that, in Arctic Finland by the start of world run 2 in 2008. And before that in mid-winter Finland in world run 1 in 2004...
There should be interesting stories to read on in about one months time when Reino joins for another stint of world run ultra-running. Intersting especially if you want to see another take on beeing a Scandinavian leader.
- What Courage. What SISU :-))
NB: The reports for the last two days is now on-line too. Especially the one from 1. October will give you a little taste of the adventures which sometimes goes on outside the running itself.