World Run II / Reports
The map shows the position of which the pictures for the day are taken (if any).
The start and finish markers are placed at the first and last valid registered position.
This is not nessesary the actual start and finish position, if GSM or GPS signals was not available.
Goto: 2011-09-19 2011-09-21 Peru
2011-09-20:Distance today: 30.0 km (Accumulated: 28410.0 km)
Elapsed time: 02:40:13
Country: Peru
Start 10:45am., 15c, overcast & light wind, at km-stone "580" on hwy. 1N. Finish 13:51pm., 25c, med. wind & same, at km-stone "610" on hwy. 1N.
My supportdriver, Wilmer, arrived back from Lima; an about 1000km travel in total, costing the run some money and a restday. Result: Nothing.
The license plates which should have been picked up in order for the supportcar to cross into Equador a few weeks from now; not there. The international insurence to be bought in Lima, also in order to get across the border; similarly not there.
It will be interesting and, I fear, slightly expensive days ahead for the run. I should perhaps begin to research the possibilities for a Equadorian supportdriver well in time !
Its not so that the supportdriver is to blame; most likely its a matter of bureaucracy the South American style', which unfortunately has been causing a large number of troubles for the run since Argentina. But with the budget for this month at zero - its not an unlimited amount of options we possess to try once more to obtain the nessecary things from Lima.
NB: If anyone should be in doubt (I dont think so ;-) then I am ofcourse Far from faultless myself. My personal contribution to the mishaps, was that I today forgot to switch the gps-tracker off' after I had finished the run. A little thing perhaps, but a huge No-No as it tracks the daily stages on the endomondo-system for full documentation of the entire world run 2 (backed up by similar gps-coding of all the daily pictures in the reports). So, if you click on the Endomondo-link on the frontpage, you will find that todays stage is tracked as 33km - when in fact it was only 30km. Its easy to spot where things went wrong, as ofcourse the speed of the support-car driving away with me after the finish... is quite a bit faster than the running ;-)
(Obviously the counted and claimed distance for today will be 30,0km and not the 33km tracked by the gps-device. There is no point in doing huge run's like these, if they are not done correct and honestly !)