World Run II / Reports
The map shows the position of which the pictures for the day are taken (if any).
The start and finish markers are placed at the first and last valid registered position.
This is not nessesary the actual start and finish position, if GSM or GPS signals was not available.
Goto: 2011-09-09 2011-09-11 Peru
2011-09-10:Distance today: 40.0 km (Accumulated: 28085.0 km)
Elapsed time: 03:54:16
Country: Peru
Start 09:15am., 13c, overcast and light wind, at km-stone "245" on hwy. 1N. Finish 14:14pm., 26c, half overcast and same at km-stone "285" on hwy. 1N.
Donkey Valley !
I woke up amongst a pack of donkeys this morning after the very late run yesterday, making it out of the chaotic traffic of Lima and back to the point I finished 2 days ago, 245km North of Lima. Today I had a bit more normal run and got a decent amount of km's done considering how the 28 000km weight in on the legs ;-) (Usually in these world runs I do, beyond 20 000km everything more than 20-30km feels like a punch from a heavy-weight boxer - where it should feel like no more than a normal days run ! I just have to accept that, I guess, though I'd perfer to be able to do more km's dails ofcourse :-)
Nothing to complain about besides the tiredness in the legs though !! I have fine support from my new support-driver, Wilmer Sanchez Ramires, who has taken over after the excellent job done by Pali had to go back to his home in the Slovak Republic to finish his phd. in architecture which he had taken a world-run-vacation from.
Wilmer' is a native of Peru and speaks as much spanish, ofcourse, as I speak danish. And as little english, as I speak spanish... ;-) It will be interesting days, but we are both eager to learn the language of the other, and Wilmer is making fast progress in his english - something which cant quite be said of my spanish: even after 8months of running on the South American continent, I am very far from speaking the language fluently. Odd, as it went fairly well to pick up russian language during the 7½months of running across Russia in world run one, or a bit of arab language while running through the arab world for 5000km during the first half of world run two. I'm getting old I guess ;-))
Wilmer has great appetite on the journey despite language challenges for us both, and if all goes well he will be in charge of the support all the way to the border between Equador and Colombia - and possibly even to the end of Colombia if things work out. He is a cheerfull man who at any obstacle (police controls, the tent not working yesterday night, the stove for cooking hot dinner yesterday not working, the long waiting in the car between my supplypoints etc.) proclaims "OHH SENOR JESUS !!". Devoted christian as most southamericans and not passing up on handing out a leaflet with biblical scriptures to bypassers on the Panamerican North highway or to the police when stopped at traffic controls; and ofcourse starting the day with a loud song accompanied by music from the car stereo !
It will be interesting months ahead for the run :-)
NB: After nearly a month where the gps-system I use (endomondo-link below the daily reports on the front page) didnt work properly - using up the phonebattery far to quick and shutting down the system automaticly when recording video-clips w. the phone durign the run.. I seem to have figured out how to get it to work and still be able to do the occational video-clips and ofcourse the many daily documentation pictures. So, from now on the endomondo tracking of the daily distance should be on-line too. Yet, due to the difficulties the last month, the gps-stamped pictures from the route themselves should be considered as the main documentation of the run along with the daily logbook entries; and the endomondo gps-tracking as backup documentation. I'll make sure during the next week's time to upload gps-coded pictures from all the stages of the last 30days of running to get the documentation fully in its proper order ! (As it is, I think there is about 5-7days where the pictures are missing from the daily distances, but I'll check soon).