World Run II / Reports
The map shows the position of which the pictures for the day are taken (if any).
The start and finish markers are placed at the first and last valid registered position.
This is not nessesary the actual start and finish position, if GSM or GPS signals was not available.
Goto: 2011-07-20 2011-07-22 Peru
2011-07-21:Distance today: 30.0 km (Accumulated: 26935.0 km)
Elapsed time: 02:57:42
Country: Peru
Start 10:05am., 20c, almost clear and no wind, at bl.&white km-stone "1126" on hwy.5. Finish 13:56pm., 24c, l.wind and same at bl.&white km-stone "1096" on hwy.5.
First day after the return to the route where the legs fealt strong. Should soon begin to get back into normal distances instead of the short days. As I hope you can see from the pictures, also a visually very enjoyable stage - huge variation from the narrov mountain passes, sudden views over large horizons untill the road flattened out to a long straight 'arrow' of tarmac ! A few condors kept me company up a steep hill - should be in one of the pictures.
As the confidence in the run is returning I have put the scedule for the rest of South America below. It has some room for the "surprises" which as you have seen often happens when running across continents away from home so I hope it holds :-)
NB: The next 3-4days I will be running through fairly remote areas and tomorrow we will leave our base in Moquena (a charming city which both Pali and I have enjoyed !). So the next update probably will be in 4days time.
19/7 Moquena, 100km
25/7 [exit to Arequipa], 200km
29/7 Camana, 140km
30/7 Ocona, 57km
1/8 La Punta, 76km
5/8 Lomas, 120km
7/8 Nasca, 80km
11/8 Ica, 145km
13/8 Pisco, 90km
14/8 Chinca Alta, 35km
18/8 San Antonio, 115km
19/8 Lima, 74km (Capital)
21/8 Huarral, 85km
24/8 Huacho, 90km
28/8 Huarmey, 130km
30/8 Casma, 80km
2/9 Chinbote, 60km
5/9 Trujillo, 126km
10/9 Racasmayo, 110km
13/9 Chidayo, 100km
23/9 Piura, 300km
24/9 Sullana, 40km
26/9 Tallara, 80km
1/10 Tumbas, 180km
2/10 [Border Equador], 40km
3/10 Arehillas, 30km
4/10 Pasaje, 50km
6/10 Narajal, 86km
7/10 El Triumfo, 60km
15/10 Rio Bamba, 153km
17/10 Ambato, 62km
18/10 Latachuja, 47km
22/10 Quito, 110km (Capital)
26/10 Ibarra, 120km
29/10 San Gabriel, 100km
30/10 [Border Colombia] Tolcan, 30km
3/11 Pasto, 110km
8/11 Popayan, 180km
13/11 Palmira, 150km
14/11 Buga, 50km
19/11 Pereira, 150km,
25/11 Medellin, 200km
4/12 Planet Rica, 150km
7/12 Sincelejo, 100km
14/12 Soledad, 200km
15/12 Cinemago, 50km
16/12 Santa Marta, 40km
21/12 Rio Kacha, 160km
22/12 [cross roads], 50km
23/12 El Cation, 50km
24/12 Pto. Bolivar, 40km
Finish South America.
31/12 2011 - 30/1 2012.
USA, Florida, Start Miami, 1/2 2012.
[The distances is between the dates; the dates indicated the main cities - or cities at all along the route].