World Run II / Reports
The map shows the position of which the pictures for the day are taken (if any).
The start and finish markers are placed at the first and last valid registered position.
This is not nessesary the actual start and finish position, if GSM or GPS signals was not available.
Goto: 2011-06-07 2011-06-09 Chile West
2011-06-08:Distance today: 50.0 km (Accumulated: 26285.0 km)
Elapsed time: 04:51:21
Country: Chile West
Start 9:14am., 15c, overcast and l.wind, at green km-sign "286" on hwy.1. Finish 15:37pm., 26c and same, at small yellow roadsign "040" on hwy.1.
Finally one of the longer stages - though not as long as they usually would be. Running in the so-called 2. and 3. world and not least through the remote areas of those regions often means a decrease in the average distance that I am able to do while still remaining fairly fresh for the continents ahead.
But today was one of those days where it all went easy :-)
- The weather was nearly perfect, the supplies are pleanty after having had a chance to stock up on food and water in Iqique two days ago, and.. I had company on the run !
As you can see from the pictures my supportdriver Alex from Idaho in Usa took the chance of the good terrain and conditions and joined me for some of the stages, parking the supportcar ahead and running back to join for 2-4km at a time. Very very enjoyable as its always 'lifts' the running not to run alone but to share the experience ! Usually there is from time to time local runners or ultrarunners who joins for a day or even better for example a week; which to me are highlights of the run ! But here in the South and West part of S. America ultrarunning is a very little known sport and due to the large remote sections of my route across the continent there hasnt been the option of running company the last around 4000km. A long 'lonely run' I guess - but none the less enjoyable too as the nature is nearly each day a treat !
By the way Alex' has a good background for running as his home is Sun Valley in Idaho, a skisport center which means he has grown up with cross-contry skiieng and been on the state team in that sport ! Along with doing track-running, though at a much higher running pace than what I am able to do here, ofcourse :-)
As I am slowly beginning to run my way to more populated areas, with the border to Peru expected in about two weeks now, I hope there may be a chance to have company of local runners too. And, as always people from abroard are more than welcome to join for a day, a week or months of running; I can almost guarantee that the scenery will be amazing as the route goes through the old arceological Inca regions and still right along (and later on in Equador, up in-) the Andes Mountains !