World Run II / Reports
The map shows the position of which the pictures for the day are taken (if any).
The start and finish markers are placed at the first and last valid registered position.
This is not nessesary the actual start and finish position, if GSM or GPS signals was not available.
Goto: 2011-05-22 2011-05-24 Chile West
2011-05-23:Distance today: 45.0 km (Accumulated: 25790.0 km)
Elapsed time: 04:00:07
Country: Chile West
Start 10:00am., 18c, clear and no wind, at yellow stone-marker "84.432" on the old hwy.1 (?). Finish 15:36pm., 16c, overcast and l.wind, at yellow paint on rock (unreadable) on the old hwy.1 (?).
[please see the gps-coded finish pic. & the endomondo track fo exact finish location].
Lost ?
- The expedition element of these runs across the continents has certainly once again come into the forefront: Since yesterday we have been uncertain wether the road we are on is actually the highway one (the old coastal highway) or a trail with a possibly dead end further ahead. Because a trail it is; the well maintained tarmac turned into a narrow track of boulders, stones and on occation deep sand !!
We have since yesterday met 2 (two) cars and along the road there is nothing besides amazing coastal nature and every approximately 30km a couple of abandoned fishemens loghouses..
What to do ? We have to push on ! I will try to run longer stages eventhough that isnt exactly easy in these conditions. But, at best we have the next city, Antofagasta, 150km to 200km ahead; so the supplies of food, water and fuel wont last if I run too short each day. If the road is a dead end. Then we have a problem - we wont be able to make it back to the last city/settlement and the last gasstation.
But its just to push on with with good hope and enjoy the fantastic and remote locations where we have the joy of setting our tents right by the ocean after each stage :-)