World Run II / Reports
The map shows the position of which the pictures for the day are taken (if any).
The start and finish markers are placed at the first and last valid registered position.
This is not nessesary the actual start and finish position, if GSM or GPS signals was not available.
Goto: 2011-03-14 2011-03-16 Argentina
2011-03-15:Distance today: 41.0 km (Accumulated: 24038.0 km)
Elapsed time: 04:04:40
Country: Argentina
Start 09:57am, 14c, l. wind, overcast. At bl.&white km-marker "km 290" at hwy. 151. Finish 15:39pm, 26c, m. wind and same. At rusty fence-marker "4.." at hwy. 151. [See gps-coded finish photo for exact loc.].
The relative speed of news
While doing the world runs the concept of what is "News" slowly begins to change. Perhaps towards what it was before global news decades ago, or hundred of years ago before Guthenberg invented the printing press; even ten thousands of years ago when the 'news horizon' perhaps was the next village or a few days walk down the paths !
As themonths and the thousands of km pile up, one begins to forget tv-news, global papers & headlines..
The change in terrain, animals seen throughout the day, the start of a new season. Or the distance to the next city, roumors of water, or a new dialect spoken - becomes the News of the small team !
There isa Calm to this kind of "headlines", contrasting the hectic hour-by-hour on-line stream of new in our almost news-addicted lifes across six of the continents.
But sometimes the outside news do become large enough to reach through this tranquility of experiencing the world as it is and not as it appears from the evening news, and in those cases my preferred feed is the NYC Times which has an excellent mobilephone version (
The SAD news ofthe Earthquake, Tsunami & Nuclear diseaster touches me deeply !!!
And I Hope the japanese Spirit will proove its strength to overcome once again :-) !