World Run II / Reports
The map shows the position of which the pictures for the day are taken (if any).
The start and finish markers are placed at the first and last valid registered position.
This is not nessesary the actual start and finish position, if GSM or GPS signals was not available.
Goto: 2011-02-07 2011-02-09 Argentina
2011-02-08:Distance today: 40.0 km (Accumulated: 22790.0 km)
Elapsed time: 03:45:53
Country: Argentina
Start 10:40am, 28c, l. wind, clear sky. At bl.&white roadsign "km 1675" on hwy. 3 to Bournes Aires.
Finish 17:35pm, 38c andsame. At bl.&white roadsign "km 1635" on hwy. 3.
Dehydration & double gas-stations
As you can see the temperature took a jump upwards today and sincewe have far between cities (400km on this streatch) it caught us a bit low on water supplies - especially when it came to cold water.. ;-)
To our luck I ran past two gasstations; normally there are about 200km between them out here in remote but beautifull Patagonia, so that ceartainly came in handy. Though, the sun had already done its job well, from a clear sky and near to 40c around 2pm, so despite using almost 2h refilling our water-bottles & buyingnew supplies of cold drinks (and chocolate, ofcourse ;-) then I nicely sweapt into a light dehydration with 4km left of todays 40km run.
When we drowethe few km back to the last petrolstation in order to wash up & get a bite of food, I was still in my own world but it seemed very fitting that their loudspeakers bursted out Pink Floyd "The Wall" at max volume over the empty sunburned pampas..
-I fealt like I had just smashed gently through a Patagonian wall of heat and dust.
But here; several hours later, sitting in the opening of my tent after a couple of sandwhiches, salted allmonds and pleanty of Cold drinks, the reward: above me the millions of stars of the Milky Way slowly unfold its bright band. Id happily dehydrate ten times more for this!