World Run II / Reports
The map shows the position of which the pictures for the day are taken (if any).
The start and finish markers are placed at the first and last valid registered position.
This is not nessesary the actual start and finish position, if GSM or GPS signals was not available.
Goto: 2011-01-19 2011-01-21 Argentina
2011-01-20:Distance today: 50.0 km (Accumulated: 22155.0 km)
Elapsed time: 04:54:25
Country: Argentina
Start 11:07am, 16c, med. wind, half cloudy. At small white roadsign "52-1" on hwy. 3 to Bournes Aires.
Finish 17:44pm, 13c, same and overcast. At bl.&white roadsign "km 2265" on hwy. 3 to Bournes Aires.
Jurgen Ankenbrand
After 3 days of windy tenting and short carefull runs I fealt that it would make good sense to do one of the first longer stages in order to get to the next inside-accomodation possibilities: the small seaside city of Saint Julian.
The day brought strong headwind, so even 50km took out a lot of energy. But, nothing compared w. what it must have cost Magellan and his crew to make landing on this windy coast in 1520 - making Saint Julian the cradle of Patagonian history and later visited by explorers
such as Drake and Darwin !
It is however not amazement by its history or impressive nature that fills me, but sadness. Today I learned that my friend & good crew from when I was running up along the West coast of usa during world run one, Jurgen Ankenbrand, has died.
He was a good friend and helper and also shared generously of his huge reserve of humor. The next days of the run the reports are dedicated him.