World Run II / Reports
The map shows the position of which the pictures for the day are taken (if any).
The start and finish markers are placed at the first and last valid registered position.
This is not nessesary the actual start and finish position, if GSM or GPS signals was not available.
Goto: 2009-05-17 2009-05-19 Africa
2009-05-18:Distance today: 30.0 km (Accumulated: 13378.8 km)
Elapsed time: 02:54:49
Country: Africa
Start 10:25am., at minor road-marker x/22A near Dila city on the main rd. from Addis Abeba to Moyale/Kenya. 13c, rain and l. wind. Finish 14:21pm., at "Kothy" village sign, S. end of village, 1km before km-marker 380 on the main rd. from Addis Abeba to Moyale/Kenya. 32c, v. humid and same.
Ethiopian night..
After a short stage w. very heavy rainfall - the rainseason has begun - we found another great tent spot overlooking awide horizon of the tropical rainforrest from the hilltop.
The locals definately seems friendlier here in Southern Ethiopia. The tentsite itself was ona green grassfield allmost at the highest point in the terrain. The grass had vast amounts of round holes apparently the remains of ancient wooden housepoles (there are archeological sites on this particular hillside - so we wondered if this too was part of it and put the tents carefully).
Amidst the grass we found a few skulls and jawbones - and decided they had to be from Large goats ;-)
During the night, where it still rained, I woke up at 1am. by two voices in ethiopian near the tents. They sounded agitated and one of them shouded loudly while they circled the tents along the treeline.
To be prepared I made my small swizz-knife ready - not much of a defense and reminded me of a similar night in Mid. Siberia in world run one where a bear approached the tents..
At 2.30am. the voices disappeared and I had a good sleep the rest of the night.