World Run II / Reports
The map shows the position of which the pictures for the day are taken (if any).
The start and finish markers are placed at the first and last valid registered position.
This is not nessesary the actual start and finish position, if GSM or GPS signals was not available.
Goto: 2009-05-14 2009-05-16 Africa
2009-05-15:Distance today: 35.0 km (Accumulated: 13308.8 km)
Elapsed time: 03:18:15
Country: Africa
Start 10:39am., at "Debub Ethiopia College of Teacher Education in Awash city, 1km after km-marker 272 on the main rd. fromAddis Abeba to Moyale/Kenya. 12c, rain and l. wind. Finish 15:26pm., at the "Tuula 1989" schoolsign on the main rd. from Addis Abeba to Moyale/Kenya. 28c, allmost overcast and same.
Finally :-)
Finally a day where I fully enjoyed the company here in ethiopia (there has been daily rough experienses andamongst much other, my driver got his passport stolen and I got the danish tv vid. camera stolen earlier on in ethiopia..)
But today it was good: I had company by children & teenagers who ran in random relay w. me a few km to the next village where others got inspired and came out of the strawhuts to run to the next little village etc.
We often joked - Ive learned a bit of amaric & oromic language by now; ethiopian dialects - and we could discuss sport, daily life; their hopes and dreams :-)
In the evening we put up tents in a green grass clearing overlooking a tropical valley w. palmtrees, various birds - mainly eagles, pelicans and vultures - and a few small farmfields.
Had some talks w. the farmers and played football w. the locals w. a cloth-ball just before dusk :-)
.. When the sun set & the darkness came the locals left quickly. We soon understood why: their happy shouts were replaced by the strange high pitch screams of hyenas. Sweet dreams.. ;-))