World Run II / Reports
The map shows the position of which the pictures for the day are taken (if any).
The start and finish markers are placed at the first and last valid registered position.
This is not nessesary the actual start and finish position, if GSM or GPS signals was not available.
Distance today: 20.0 km (Accumulated: 12100.8 km)
Elapsed time: 02:06:55
Country: Africa
Start 08:34am at telephonepole 165.070 (km-marker) on the main road towards Gondar. 25c, allm. clear and l. wind. Finish 11:16pm. At "Ethiopian Electric Coroperation, Metema district office" sign at main str. of Shendi village. 32c, same and no wind.
(No gprs-signal & no live-gps coverage before Gondar, ca. 140km).
A few days into Ethiopia and problems strike that could have big consequenses for continuing the run:
My supply-driver for East Africa, Tommy, has bourght a car in Nairobi, Kenya, to drive up to the Sudan-Ethiopian border to meet me to help w. supplies. But obtaining the papers for borderpassage w. the car has so far given a 7day delay and he is still stuck in Nairobi and I have begun running w. the stroller instead.
Soon heading into severe mountains (up to 3000m alt.), long between food/water, low/no phonesignal for communication and the heavy rainseason due now. All makes it critical to meet up w. the supportcar quite soon.
To add, cash will last me ca. 7days more before I also in that way depend on the supplies the car brings.
Buying local support isnt an option as all present finances have been used purchasing the car and getting the driver ready to start.
So.. 7days untill it gets critical. Ironic that this happens just as I have cleared the expected main logistical challenge, Sudan. But there the friendly help from the people and from the danish embassy made all possible.
In any case I continue after a 'logistics day' tomorrow..