World Run II / Reports
The map shows the position of which the pictures for the day are taken (if any).
The start and finish markers are placed at the first and last valid registered position.
This is not nessesary the actual start and finish position, if GSM or GPS signals was not available.
Goto: 2009-02-03 2009-02-05 Africa
2009-02-04:Distance today: 52.0 km (Accumulated: 10208.8 km)
Elapsed time: 05:41:37
Country: Africa
Start 08:35am, at police controlpoint at exit to Isna on main rd. to Aswan. 22c, allm. clear and l. wind. Finish 15:42pm, atpolice controlpoint at exit to Idfu on main rd. to Aswan. 37c, humid, clear/hazy and same.
A Good day !
Finally one of those enjoyable days w. cultural(and sporting) interchange that usually caracterise the wr1 & 2, yet has been few lately - also due exhaustion for my part.
..The various police patrols who drowe behind me today was good company ! As you can see from the live pictures some of them even got inspired after we talked ab. the run at the rest breaks. Some of them jumped out of the car and ran w. me.
3 to be exact: One who ran for 1km and then got too warm, wearing a wollensweater winteruniform. One who ran 5km and proved to have talent for the sport, keeping a high pace (up to 4.min/km - I couldnt follow.. Tough fact for a person who used to do 31 & 32min. pb.s on 10km; but am tired into oblivion right now) while he was wearing 'office clothes' ! Neat effort.
And.. one 100kg officer in civilian attire, introducing himself as "secret agent" (riiight.. An "allmost-secret", "allmost-agent" I guess ;-)). The last effort perhaps the most brave ;-) Trying to prevent his pistol from falling out of his trousers, worn Clint Eastwood style.., slipping and sliding on the tarmac in his blank shoes; but refusing to give up.
He maneaged 300meter.
In Idfu an interesting talk w. the hotel host ab. politics, Islam and life.
.. Yes, there are good days !