World Run II / Reports
The map shows the position of which the pictures for the day are taken (if any).
The start and finish markers are placed at the first and last valid registered position.
This is not nessesary the actual start and finish position, if GSM or GPS signals was not available.
Goto: 2008-12-05 2008-12-07 Middle East
2008-12-06:Distance today: 21.0 km (Accumulated: 7581.0 km)
Elapsed time: 02:27:20
Country: Middle East
Start 10:26am, at Grand Otel in Iskenderum. 19c, half overc. and no wind. Finish 13:19pm, at rds. "Adana 150km" (in opposite direction), on rd. D825. 21c, allmost clear and same.
- One of the more short stages.. But a challenge in its own right :-)
The first 20km was uphillwithout stop. Not a huge altitude; ca. 800m. alt. up, but after two hours 'up-running' pushing 35kg along w. the running I had an urge for an early weekend and found a perfect spot to put the tent - wich was worth all the effort :-)
A spot that easily could compete w. the best 5star hotels visited so far..
Todays calender tip:
A light, balanced, training of the main musclegroups of the body can help in preventing injury - The running motion involves far more than just the leg muscles and light training a few times a week of arm, neck, shoulder, back/spine and stomack musles can also give you the toolsfor a more efficient running tecknique by enhancing its overall strength and balance along w. taking stress off the legmuscles.
Btw.: reg. the strength & mobility exercise of foot muscles in 1.dec. tip (my friend Tony Mangan in Ireland asks :-) .. The main exercises is repetedly to 1) curl the foot to'make a fist' then 2) bend the toes upward. Using the foots muscles and keeping the positions for just 2-5sec. After that to rotate the foot into each corner position: up, left, down, right, up.. making a box shape'.
It takes max. 5min. daily and can make a big difference in injury prevention :-)