World Run II / Reports
The map shows the position of which the pictures for the day are taken (if any).
The start and finish markers are placed at the first and last valid registered position.
This is not nessesary the actual start and finish position, if GSM or GPS signals was not available.
Goto: 2008-11-05 2008-11-07 Middle East
2008-11-06:Distance today: 45.0 km (Accumulated: 6148.0 km)
Elapsed time: 04:49:21
Country: Middle East
Start 8:46am., at hotel Osen, Istanbul. 14c, grey overcast and l. wind.
Finish 15:36pm. At Hotel Elite. 24c, half overcast and same.
Getting out of Istanbul !
.. Takes its time. After the 3 days w family and 3 short days of 20km each to keep the run continious/non-stop the legs was stiff and tired for my part making todays run surprisingly hard; in some ways physically harder than the 24h/211km we made in Germany !
I can only find 2 obvious explanations: eighter a mental effect of thinking about (good :-) things back home reflecting in reluctance or the physical and mental effect of 3 very easy days - eg. getting out of the routine and the 'tiredness acceptance' level we are used to elseway by now. In any case; it was brutal !
- the same can be said about the highway traffic on the Bosperous Bridge that connects europe and Asia as well as Western and Eastern Istanbul. In theory pedestrians are not allowed on eighter of the two long bridges connecting East and West but we didnt want to settle w. the easy option of a boat or taxi across so.. We tried to run as far out on the bridge as possible before we were stopped. I admit that I was by a fair length the most intimidated by the chaos of heavy trucks and 6-lane traffic rushing by without any real room at roadside/bridgeside. Sarah.. took it w. Australian courage ! :-)
Eventually we were stopped by police. But they proved understanding and put a touristbus to a halt and asked it to take us the last 2/3 across. NICE!