World Run II / Reports
The map shows the position of which the pictures for the day are taken (if any).
The start and finish markers are placed at the first and last valid registered position.
This is not nessesary the actual start and finish position, if GSM or GPS signals was not available.
Goto: 2008-10-01 2008-10-03 Europe
2008-10-02:Distance today: 56.0 km (Accumulated: 4545.0 km)
Elapsed time: 05:30:51
Country: Europe
Start 8:23am., at city limit of "Chisineu Cris".
15c, half clear and l. wind.
Finish 15:40pm. At town limit sign "Barsa" onhwy. 79A. 18c, overcast and no wind.
Unfortunately Sarah is not in the run anymore. As you may have noticed from the documentation photo's she has been absent since yesterday evening. The last few weeks the difference in speed has grown and thus she has had later finishes.
Yesterday we lost trackof eachother. As I was late at starting next morning, today, she unfortunately ran off in the wrong direction before I was at the start. Without notice of her destination. I take the blame and shame for this!!
But its not the first time we have been seperated and the difference in stage coverage time growing means that the coming stages in remote areas and steep mountain running will streatch the logistics further. Running at dark in those areas towardsan unceartain finish is no childrens game and I need to make the right, but very painfull, decition. Painfull for both of us.
The knowledge from world run 1 of what happens if logistics/team is streatched out when entering remote areas makes me as certain as needed of the decition.
At present she is 60km away and will go towards Hungary and home via Copenhagen.
She is one of the strongest runners I have ever met (in 25y. of competetive racing) and I would not have started the run without her.
(The stage had more amazing nature and scenery but you have to visit the Live Coverage to see that).