World Run II / Reports
The map shows the position of which the pictures for the day are taken (if any).
The start and finish markers are placed at the first and last valid registered position.
This is not nessesary the actual start and finish position, if GSM or GPS signals was not available.
Goto: 2008-07-31 2008-08-02 Europe
2008-08-01:Distance today: 74.0 km (Accumulated: 1493.0 km)
Elapsed time: 06:31:45
Country: Europe
Start 08:14am, at "Lahti 79km" on r.612 in Susma. 14c, overcast and l. wind.
Alt. 30m, 1004hPa.
Finish 16:44pm. At cross of rd. 24 and rd. 140 in Lahti. 19c and same.
Alt. 105m., 1001hPa.
Different states of orbiting :-)
This week finnish top-ultrarunner Pekka Asphirinal Alto took first place in the Sri Chinmoy 5000km / 3100mile race in New York. After orbiting a 800yard track in New York for more than a month and extending his lead beyond 100km for his 4. victory in thir eueu !
For our part we have now rounded our first month of world run two and are slowly getting in motion in our low orbit around the Earth :-)
Today we stopped at midday to see the partial solar eclipse here in Finland. And while watching the small eclipse together w. the enjoyable company of several local runners, from 11y. to 60'ties, it gave food for thourght.
- While me might consider our orbit of 40 000 km a long run if we are able to complete it; then its infidently tiny compared w. the tiredless orbits of the planets and endless numbers of eclipses in their moving allmost beyond or concepts of time and distance. As with the whales and long distance migrating birds - who travel far more extreme distances and think nothing of it :-)
... Often we limit ourselves by looking at what has been done or what we are used to see beeing done. The nature and our curiosity can inspire us to run much further than our mind will let us believe we can :-)