World Run II / Reports
The map shows the position of which the pictures for the day are taken (if any).
The start and finish markers are placed at the first and last valid registered position.
This is not nessesary the actual start and finish position, if GSM or GPS signals was not available.
Goto: 2012-03-01 2012-03-03 Usa
2012-03-02:Distance today: 26.0 km (Accumulated: 33450.0 km)
Elapsed time: 02:27:46
Country: Usa
Start 11:00am., 18c, heavy rain & medium wind, at brown sign "Sand Hill Hunt Club" on hwy.15. Finish 13:45pm., 18c, overcast & same, at cross of Johnson Str. & Hwy.15 in Aberdeen.
Tornado warnings...
I woke up to heavy rain and according to the local weather announcement also tornado warnings. At first my supportdriver Morten and I gave it an hour to see if it cleared up a bit. There wasnt much change in the weather but I preferred to get a little running done instead of sitting in the motelroom all day.
I cant say it was the safest of conditions though; not so much the weather as the traffic and after 26km's I decided that it was safer to stop here instead of risking a driver on the highway not seeing me in the rain.
They have forecasted similar weather for tomorrow but in two days from now it should clear up and I can be back on longer distances.
PS: After the run I saw on the evening news that the tornatoes had done some heavy damage further inland and about 30 people had been killed when a tornado passed right through a little village. Definately weather conditions to be carefull about.