World Run II / Reports
The map shows the position of which the pictures for the day are taken (if any).
The start and finish markers are placed at the first and last valid registered position.
This is not nessesary the actual start and finish position, if GSM or GPS signals was not available.
Goto: 2012-02-23 2012-02-25 Usa
2012-02-24:Distance today: 22.0 km (Accumulated: 33232.0 km)
Elapsed time: 02:12:36
Country: Usa
Start 09:42am., 18c, overcast & medium wind, at cross of at cross of Hwy.301 & Hwy.15 in Sauntee village. Finish 12:35, 21c and same, at cross of local road SC 14-42 & Hwy.15.
The old man and the bridge...
About a mile after the start of run the small local road seemed to be closed. But as far as I could see it was still possible to proceed on foot to cross the bridge it let on to. Else I'd have to run across the nearby Interstate bridge wich would be a little bit more unpleasant; both reguarding traffic and ofcouse since one is not allowed to run on the interstate highways.
I was in doubt if the small bridge was actually open on the other side of the water, about 2km's away, so I asked an old man who was fishing from the side of bridge near its start. He looked up, smiled and said: "Im sorry, I have never crossed to the other side !". The elderly coloured man looked as if he had been fishing from that spot on the bridge for many years and I couldnt help smile too as the man calmly went on fishing.
... How different we sometimes are as humans: Some of us fishes from the same brige year after year without ever crossing it; other of us runs around the world, twice. But at the same time I definately fealt that he was doing exactly what he enjoyed most :-))
PS: The run, well I have to say that I fast realised that I had been too quick to push back on the road yesterday. From the first minute today I had some nausea and stomackpain as well as a little fever. It wasnt too much to run but enough to make be be carefull and call it a day at 22km.