World Run II / Reports
The map shows the position of which the pictures for the day are taken (if any).
The start and finish markers are placed at the first and last valid registered position.
This is not nessesary the actual start and finish position, if GSM or GPS signals was not available.
Goto: 2012-01-17 2012-01-19 Usa
2012-01-18:Distance today: 36.0 km (Accumulated: 32248.0 km)
Elapsed time: 03:24:14
Country: Usa
Start 10:25am., at cross of Road 842 & Hwy.1 in Ft. Lauderdale, 31c, almost clear & light wind. Finish 14:39pm., at cross of Highland Beach Dr. & Hwy.A1A, 35c & same.
A little run - a lot of attention !
I imagine most who follow the world run 2 has by now seen the amount of support I have recieved here in the Miami area. Its few areas in the world during 3½ years of running that compare. Today was no exception:
Five runners from the North Miami & Fort Lauderdale area came at different points of the route and joined me for short or long parts. Very very enjoyable :-) To me, its a chance to get a cross-cut impression of what goes on in the running & ultrarunning world in this part of North America. At one end of the scale, a new runner with just 2 weeks untill her premiere as a marathon runner - but already getting ready for her first ultra's too. At the other end of the scale, Arthur - one of those seasoned ultrarunning veterans who share a 'community within the community'; from the big nations in ultrarunning - Russians, Americans, Europeans, South Africans, Australian ultrarunners who has been part of our small sport from back when it was something nearly no one knew about and fewer would ever think of doing as a sport: For example Arthur having several Western States runs under his silver-belt buckle (its a tough trail-ultra race in the Rockies' where only those who pass a strict time-limit will recieve the "silver belt buckle" as proof of finishing fast & strong in this 100mile race through mountains and rivers); along with decades of participating in everything from marathons to 24hour races.
What to me is unique to ultrarunning is that all of these different levels of ultrarunning mix instantly. And all soon forget who is 'seasoned' and who is 'new' while exchanging their impressions of running. Show me where top-level tennisplayers/soccerplayers/swimmers etc. mix and mingle with recreational & entry-level colleagues instantly :-)
On the other hand, this tightly knit community - our sport of ultrarunning, recieves very little media attention. Today was an exception though. There was an article in the Miami Herald on the world run 2 as well as a good attendance by NBC & ABC tv crews at an evening speak I was invited to do in Miami City. What I Hope is that some of this attention to the world run 2 can transform into media-interest of the ultrarunning community itself here in Florida ! Its a great community of very strong runners and most of all very friendly & social runners who deserves that their sport is know as just as reasonable to do as any other sport - even though its a way of exercising that do require more time and more commitment than most other sporting activities :-)
Another chance for me to get an impression of the Florida ultrarunning community is on saturday where I'll participate in a 50miles trail race down in the Everglades wetlands. We'll see how that goes, but I was getting in front of my scedule for the North American part of the run, so I thought I would "take a day off" and try a race. Since its nearly 2 years ago I last did any ultra-competetions I have no idea how I'll do with a number on my chest again. But I look forward to it !!
1) KEY WEST to RICHMOND, 10. January - 4. March. 2171km.
2) RICHMOND to NEW YORK, 4. March - 19. March. 500km.
3) NEW YORK to BOSTON, 19. March - 30. March. 400km.
4) BOSTON to HOULTON/BORDER, 30. March - 15. April. 700km.
5) HOULTON/BORDER CANADA to NOVA SCOTIA, 1. May - 1. June. 900km.
Total for NORTH AMERICA: 5600KM.
8/1, Arrival Miami International Airport, American Airlines 2170, 12:35 noon.
10/1, Start Key West - Miami, 300km.
18/1, Miami - Palm Beach, 100km.
21/1, Palm Beach - Palm Bay, 150km.
25/1, Palm Bay - Daytona, 150km.
29/1, Daytona - Jacksonville, 150km.
(1 restday in Daytona or J.ville.).
3/2, Jacksonville - Savannah, 200km.
9/2, Savannah - Manning, 200km.
16/2, Manning - Southern Pines, 200km.
23/2, Southern Pines - Durham/Raleigh, 100km.
26/2, Durham/Raleigh - Henderson, 80km.
28/2, Henderson - Richmond, 200km.
4/3, Richmond - Washington, 200km.
(1 restday in Washington)
10/3, Washington - Baltimore. 60km.
11/3, Baltimore - Philadelphia. 150km.
15/3, Philadelphia - Newark/New York City. 150km.
19/3, Newark/NYC - Mystic. 200km.
25/3, Mystic - Boston. 180km.
30/3, Boston - Portland. 180km.
4/4, Portland - Augusta. 100km.
7/4, Augusta - Bangor. 120km.
10/4, Bangor - Canadian border/Houlton. 180km.
15/4, arrival at Canadian border