World Run II / Reports
The map shows the position of which the pictures for the day are taken (if any).
The start and finish markers are placed at the first and last valid registered position.
This is not nessesary the actual start and finish position, if GSM or GPS signals was not available.
Distance today: 25.0 km (Accumulated: 27401.0 km)
Elapsed time: 02:21:37
Country: Peru
Start 11:23am., 28c, clear & l.wind, at km-stone "425" on hwy.1. Finish 14:10m, 36c, very humid & same, at green villagesign "Sacramento" at the end of Palpa city on hwy.1.
A stage with an impressive amount of variation of the landscape: from the arid stonedesert near Nasca (with pleanty of tourists out looking at the ancient lines and geoglyphs in the desert) to sudden dips in the landscapes with small green oasis of agriculture and shady palmtrees built around wells and thin rivers flowing from the Andes Mountains far away.
The finishpoint was the oasis village Palpa which happens to celebrate the "orange day" today (the beginning of the orange harvest). It appeared like the entire village was up and about celebrating - speaches beeing made on the village square; music streaming from everywhere and free oranges handed to us in solid amounts :- )
A very nice surprise !
We are invited to take part in the extensive party in the evening - but this have to be Pali's 'duty'; I have a fever coming on so I better take it easy !