World Run II / Reports
The map shows the position of which the pictures for the day are taken (if any).
The start and finish markers are placed at the first and last valid registered position.
This is not nessesary the actual start and finish position, if GSM or GPS signals was not available.
Goto: 2011-03-04 2011-03-06 Argentina
2011-03-05:Distance today: 21.0 km (Accumulated: 23706.9 km)
Elapsed time: 02:00:18
Country: Argentina
Start 10:25am, 24c, m. wind, some clouds. At Bl.&white km-marker "km 1200" at Allen city, on road 2 to Neuquen.
Finish 13:07pm, 28c, some clouds and l. wind. At city center monument "Padre de la Patria, Nequen, 1850-1950" in Neuquen city.
A short but hectic run into the, forus who are used to the open Pampas and rural farmlands.. !, Big city of Neuquen w. its more than 250 000 inhabitants. AND looking much forward to the restday tomorrow :-)))
I guess it might be the 100km stage less than a week ago which is making itself fealt, so nice timing even though I am one day ahead of scedule despite the supportcar-trouble (but the 100km-day more than made up for that delay :-)
On the restday Ill try to sum up the last two months in Argentina: perhaps the contry (of ab. 36 run through in wr1 & wr 2) I am most ambigious about: Fantastic yet at the same time also the opposite. But more about that later !
Nb: The tiredness from yesterday apparently still was there the first few km as I forgot to switch on the endomondo gps-tracking the first 2km ! Still, the gps-coded startpicture I did maneage to remember to take so start doc. should be in place (along w. Jamies videofilming).But it goes to suggest that this time the monthly restday probably is needed.. as I was struggeling to stay awake during yesterdays 41km run too ;-)