World Run II / Reports
The map shows the position of which the pictures for the day are taken (if any).
The start and finish markers are placed at the first and last valid registered position.
This is not nessesary the actual start and finish position, if GSM or GPS signals was not available.
Goto: 2011-01-17 2011-01-19 Argentina
2011-01-18:Distance today: 30.0 km (Accumulated: 22075.0 km)
Elapsed time: 02:52:11
Country: Argentina
Start 11:20am, 17c, med. wind, a few clouds. At bl. & white roadsign "2375" on hwy. 3 to Bournes Aires.
Finish 15:00pm, 24c, med. wind and med. cloudy. At small white roadsign "41-5" on hwy. 3 to Bournes Aires.
Modern Argentinian history..
As promised yesterday, before wehad to concentrate on moving tents & supportcar from a quickly rising river-tide, here is a brief overview of modern Arg. political history (some of itquite surprising/interesting, I think :- )
After a very prosperous period w. strong economical growth and political stability during the 1st. half of the 19th. century, the last half of the century brought a combination of military dictatorships & rapid economical decline due to persuit of short term economical goals along w. unwise strategies (as the attempt to re-claim the Falkland Islands from the by then still strong U. K., etc.).
By y. 2000 the economy was in such bad condition that the Arg. state a few years later defaulted its entire international dept (largest econ. collapse in world historyso far).
However, after a very democraticly unstable period, fx. 5 presidents in 2weeks during 2002, then an equally impressive recovery started by theunpleasant but visionary economic policy of Euardo Duhalde, who in a short period laid the foundation for a lasting recovery and at times even 9pct. GNP-growth.
He was followed by the popular Nestor Kirscner in 2003, who advanced the contry further !
In 2007 his whife Cristina was elected president.