World Run II / Reports
The map shows the position of which the pictures for the day are taken (if any).
The start and finish markers are placed at the first and last valid registered position.
This is not nessesary the actual start and finish position, if GSM or GPS signals was not available.
Goto: 2010-03-12 2010-03-14 Africa
2010-03-13:Distance today: 31.0 km (Accumulated: 21436.0 km)
Elapsed time: 03:05:01
Country: Africa
Start 08:35am, at white km-sign "55,0" on the R44 to Cape Town. 19c, cloudy and l. wind. Finish 12:39pm, at green rd-sign "Monwabisi" on R301. 25c, humid and same.
1 day to Cape Point !
Tomorrow, sun. 14., the road to Cape Point is closed due to a bicycle race and on mondaythe 15. March I have the last stage left to run in Africa: a 58km run to Cape Point just South of Cape Town itself.
After the finish I have decided to take several months rest & recovery after the tough 1year streatch of running straight through Africa; North to South. A streatch wich due to quite sparse conditions and a large number of tropical deceases while running, turned out to be an even harder challenge than my run 10 500km across Siberia during world run 1.
So in order to be in top condition for the South American part of the run -and in order to get the timing right (optimum season at tip of South America is Dec. - January) there will be a long rest coming after reaching Cape Point.
I look immensely forward to seeing my contry again after running abroad the last 18months and to meet up w. old friends back home. I expect to leave Cape Town 16. March and be back in winter-climate Scandinavia by 17. March.
But first there is a 58km streatch to do to become the first person to run through Africa, and N. - S. from the tip of Europe to the tip ofAfrica. Its been a fantastic journey full of extremes and full of friendship of foreign cultures - but now the joy of resting will also be extreme :-)