World Run II / Reports
The map shows the position of which the pictures for the day are taken (if any).
The start and finish markers are placed at the first and last valid registered position.
This is not nessesary the actual start and finish position, if GSM or GPS signals was not available.
Goto: 2010-01-24 2010-01-26 Africa
2010-01-25:Distance today: 20.0 km (Accumulated: 20229.0 km)
Elapsed time: 02:01:48
Country: Africa
Start 10:35am at blue rd.marker "N2-18, 24", ca. 60km S. of Mthatha on the N2 to Cape Town. 23c, cloudy and l. wind. Finish 13:08pm at blue rd.marker "N2-18, 4", ca. 80km S. of Mthatha on the N2 to Cape Town. 25c, and med. wind.
A very short stage - but a busy day.
The swelling & infection of the right arm has further spread overnight to the extend that I dont think its safe to continue.
Together w. my supplydriver Cwenga Itried the Academic Training hospital & the Nelson Mandela Hospital, but the first couldnt do anything ab. the problem and the second had many hours waiting-line
at the emergency room. So we drowe to the startingpoint and I got on w. the run - no use waiting for it to get worse; mights as well get some km closer to Cape Town :-)
After the very short but hilly run (where the arm didnt pain too much !) I was taken the 130km to East London and saw a doctorin the afternoon. There were made a small opening in the arm/elbow to let some of the fluid out and samples has been sent to a lab to find out exactly what is causing the infection wich has now been coming back in large scale 3 times from Tanzania and onwards in the run, and has caused an operation once.
I have personally come to the conclusion that if it doesnt get fully investigated and cured; the run stops in Cape Town - hoping that I can run thatfar :-)
At the moment I have been told to stay still for 4days here in East London while the doctor tries to cure the inf. w. antibiotics and get the lab test back.
(Btw. treating me free of charge. A huge relief on a limited budget. THANKS !!!)
While I wait I hope to get in contact w. my supplydriver for South America whom I havent been able to reach for the past weeks.
NB: Tony & his family, East London, has been GREAT helping me w. all here :-))