World Run II / Reports
The map shows the position of which the pictures for the day are taken (if any).
The start and finish markers are placed at the first and last valid registered position.
This is not nessesary the actual start and finish position, if GSM or GPS signals was not available.
Goto: 2009-10-15 2009-10-17 Africa
2009-10-16:Distance today: 34.0 km (Accumulated: 16909.8 km)
Elapsed time: 03:26:35
Country: Africa
Start 09:35 am. at teletower & powerstation 50km S.-W. of Namialo on the N8-hwy to Maputo. 23c, half cloudy and l. wind. Finish 14:12pm. At "Taskin Motores, Lda, Nampula", at N. end of Nampula on the N8-hwy to Maputo. 33c, humid and same.
Reaching non-bucket showers !
Today we reached Nampula; first large city on the main road to Maputo and as far as Im told the 2.largest city in Mozambique after the capital, Maputo.
However to us it means one other thing: the possibility of a shower after the daily running; not out of a bucket, but a Real shower w. as much water as you need ! Luxury :-))
But it is to be remembered that there is severe water shortage in most of E. Africa and this part of S. Africa - and even 5liters in a bucket can be an impossiblilty to many people. I remember buying a bucket of water to bath in, in Northern Kenyas Marsabit district, only after negotiating wether I really needed it after the hot run.
..Quite another take' on the climate debate compared to europe, N. America or Asia.
And the shower inside a blistering hot alumium shed was Great by the way :-) And, quite needet after a few days without